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Phil and Rita Crosbie are SOUNDbeings, “the Gong People” as they are affectionately known by those who have experienced the power of their work. The Crosbies, who hail from Liverpool UK, are passionate about the wellbeing of all living things and have a unique medical specialty–sound therapy.
Trained in Europe and the US and members of the Sound Healers Association, Phil and Rita have over 40 combined years of complementary and alternative medicine experience including Reiki [Master], Massage Therapy, Reflexology, Life Coaching and their real passion, Sound Therapy, which they have specialized in since 2006.

The Soundbeings

13 Planet Gongs!


"It was such a joy to to be in your presence, and travel the sound waves of the Universe. What a glorious gift you give to others…thank you. It gave an inner radiance and peace. I should very much like to experience those amazing healing energies again." CH / Nova Scotia
"Rita and Phil, thank you for today’s session. It was awesome! What beautiful and gifted spiritual beings you are. I saw many colors and felt the vibrations releasing the negative and filling me with healing energy. I saw something very deeply planted that helped me understand my very existence in this life time. Yes, it was that deep. What you do truly is amazing! Many blessings." J R USA / Canada
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